The holiday season is a stressful time of year, especially if you suffer from migraines. Continue reading “How to Find Migraine Relief During the Holidays”
Why You Must Track Your Migraine Medication Use
We wish there was a single, magical pill that delivered complete relief from chronic migraine symptoms – but that just isn’t the reality. Continue reading “Why You Must Track Your Migraine Medication Use”
Am I Experiencing Abdominal Migraines?
If you’ve ever suffered from cyclic stomach discomfort and pain with or without the accompaniment of a headache, you may be experiencing what is known as an abdominal migraine, a widely misunderstood variant of traditional migraines that affect the abdomen instead of or in conjunction with the head. Continue reading “Am I Experiencing Abdominal Migraines?”
5 Things To Do When Your Migraine Medication Stops Working
As a migraineur, it’s easy to feel bound by the uncertainty of your condition. When will the next migraine episode occur? How severe will the pain be? How long will it last? Continue reading “5 Things To Do When Your Migraine Medication Stops Working”
Why Chronic Migraines Are Scarier Than Dating Taylor Swift
Finding relief from chronic migraine pain is frightfully comparable to Taylor Swift’s serial dating. There’s hope that perhaps you’ve found the right fit. There’s fear that maybe the one you’ve chosen isn’t actually “the one”. Continue reading “Why Chronic Migraines Are Scarier Than Dating Taylor Swift”
Homeopathic Migraine Relief – Does it work?
The verdict is still out but studies are churning up promising results for homeopathic migraine relief and this alternative school of thought has many migraineurs eager to learn more. Continue reading “Homeopathic Migraine Relief – Does it work?”
15 Quick Tips for Migraine Relief Part 2
Welcome back to part two of our “Quick Tips for Migraine Relief” segment. If you have not read part one, you can find it here. Without further ado, here are the next seven tips for your migraine relief needs. Continue reading “15 Quick Tips for Migraine Relief Part 2”
13 Indications You Have Retinal Migraines

Retinal migraines are also referred to as monocular, ocular, visual or ophthalmic migraines. As you might have guessed, they are associated with visual symptoms that only affect one eye. They can also be a sign of retinal disease. Continue reading “13 Indications You Have Retinal Migraines”
5 Essential Ingredients Every Migraine Relief Emergency Kit Needs
When living with migraines, half the battle is the inability to predict when one might rear its ugly head. Chronic migraine sufferers frequently experience stress and anxiety related to this dilemma because no matter the scale of planning, a migraine episode can always swoop in, just in time to ruin the day. Continue reading “5 Essential Ingredients Every Migraine Relief Emergency Kit Needs”
6 Things You SHOULD Say To A Chronic Migraine Sufferer
Being emotionally supportive to a friend or loved one suffering from chronic migraine syndrome can be challenging. You may not fully understand what they are going through and as much as you’d like to – you can’t magically take their pain away. What you can do is ask the right questions to ensure you are being helpful. Continue reading “6 Things You SHOULD Say To A Chronic Migraine Sufferer”